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タイトルUncertainty Quantification of the FUN3D-Predicted NASA CRM Flutter Boundary
著者(英)Stanford, Bret K.; Massey, Steven J.
内容記述A nonintrusive point collocation method is used to propagate parametric uncertainties of the flexible Common Research Model, a generic transport configuration, through the unsteady aeroelastic CFD solver FUN3D. A range of random input variables are considered, including atmospheric flow variables, structural variables, and inertial (lumped mass) variables. UQ results are explored for a range of output metrics (with a focus on dynamic flutter stability), for both subsonic and transonic Mach numbers, for two different CFD mesh refinements. A particular focus is placed on computing failure probabilities: the probability that the wing will flutter within the flight envelope.
NASA分類Statistics and Probability; Aerodynamics; Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
