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タイトルThe Ion Propulsion System for the Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission
著者(英)Kamhawi, Hani; Hofer, Richard R.; Sekerak, Michael J.; Polk, James E.; Santiago, Walter; Herman, Daniel A.; Snyder, John Steven
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述The Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission is a Solar Electric Propulsion Technology Demonstration Mission (ARRM) whose main objectives are to develop and demonstrate a high-power solar electric propulsion capability for the Agency and return an asteroidal mass for rendezvous and characterization in a companion human-crewed mission. This high-power solar electric propulsion capability, or an extensible derivative of it, has been identified as a critical part of NASA'a future beyond-low-Earth-orbit, human-crewed exploration plans. Under the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate the critical electric propulsion and solar array technologies are being developed. This paper presents the conceptual design of the ARRM ion propulsion system, the status of the NASA in-house thruster and power processing development activities, the status of the planned technology maturation for the mission through flight hardware delivery, and the status of the mission formulation and spacecraft acquisition.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
