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タイトルFeasibility Study for Implementing Magnetic Suspension in the Glenn Research Center 225 cm2 Supersonic Wind Tunnel for Testing the Dynamic Stability of Blunt Bodies
著者(英)Schoenenberger, Mark; Davis, David O.; Sevier, Abigail; Barnhart, Paul
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述The implementation of a magnetic suspension system in the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) 225 cm2 Supersonic Wind Tunnel would be a powerful test technique that could accurately determine the dynamic stability of blunt body entry vehicles with no sting interference. This paper explores initial design challenges to be evaluated before implementation, including defining the lowest possible operating dynamic pressure and corresponding model size, developing a compatible video analysis technique, and incorporating a retractable initial support sting.
NASA分類Aeronautics (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
