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タイトルVLBI Digital-Backend Intercomparison Test Report
著者(英)Beaudoin, Christopher; Whitney, Alan; Titus, Mike; Ruszczyk, Chester A.; Petrachenko, Bill; Cappallo, Roger; Niell, Arthur
内容記述Issues related to digital-backend (DBE) systems can be difficult to evaluate in either local tests or actual VLBI experiments. The 2nd DBE intercomparison workshop at Haystack Observatory on 25-26 October 2012 provided a forum to explicitly address validation and interoperability issues among independent global developers of DBE equipment. This special report discusses the workshop. It identifies DBE systems that were tested at the workshop, describes the test objectives and procedures, and reports and discusses the results of the testing.
NASA分類Quality Assurance and Reliability; Computer Operations and Hardware
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
