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タイトルBrushing Your Spacecrafts Teeth: A Review of Biological Reduction Processes for Planetary Protection Missions
著者(英)Pugel, D.E. (Betsy); Rummel, J. D.; Conley, C. A.
内容記述Much like keeping your teeth clean, where you brush away biofilms that your dentist calls plaque, there are various methods to clean spaceflight hardware of biological contamination, known as biological reduction processes. Different approaches clean your hardwares teeth in different ways and with different levels of effectiveness. We know that brushing at home with a simple toothbrush is convenient and has a different level of impact vs. getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist. In the same way, there are some approaches to biological reduction that may require simple tools or more complex implementation approaches (think about sonicating or just soaking your dentures, vs. brushing them). There are also some that are more effective for different degrees of cleanliness and still some that have materials compatibility concerns. In this article, we review known and NASA-certified approaches for biological reduction, pointing out materials compatibility concerns and areas where additional research is needed.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
