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タイトルEngaging Students with Subject Matter Experts and Science Content Through Classroom Connection Webinars
著者(英)Rampe, E.; Stefanov, W. L.; Graff, P. V.; Vanderbloemen, L.; Higgins, M.
内容記述Connecting students and teachers in classrooms with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experts provides an invaluable opportunity. Subject matter experts can share exciting science and science-related events as well as help to "translate" science being conducted by professionals. The Expedition Earth and Beyond (EEAB) Program, facilitated by the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Division at the NASA Johnson Space Center, has been providing virtual access to subject matter experts through classroom connection webinars for the last five years. Each year, the reach of these events has grown considerably, especially over the last nine months. These virtual connections not only help engage students with role models, but are also designed to help teachers address concepts and content standards they are required to teach. These events also enable scientists and subject matter experts to help "translate" current science in an engaging and understandable manner while actively involving classrooms in the journey of science and exploration.
NASA分類Social and Information Sciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
