JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCorrelations Between Surficial Sulfur and a REE Crustal Assimilation Signature in Martian Shergottites
著者(英)Franz, H. B.; Jones, J. H.
内容記述Compared to terrestrial basalts, the Martian shergottite meteorites have an extraordinary range of Sr and Nd isotopic signatures. In addition, the S isotopic compositions of many shergottites show evidence of interaction with the Martian surface/ atmosphere through mass-independent isotopic fractionations (MIF, positive, non-zero delta(exp 33)S) that must have originated in the Martian atmosphere, yet ultimately were incorporated into igneous sulfides (AVS - acid-volatile sulfur). These positive delta(exp 33)S signatures are thought to be governed by solar UV photochemical processes. And to the extent that S is bound to Mars and not lost to space from the upper atmosphere, a positive delta(exp 33)S reservoir must be mass balanced by a complementary negative reservoir.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利No Copyright
