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タイトルGlobal Precipitation Measurement Cold Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx): For Measurement Sake Let it Snow
著者(英)Petersen, Walter; Chandrasekar, V.; Durden, Stephen; Stewart, Ronald; Wolde, Mengistu; Tanelli, Simone; Skofronick-Jackson, Gail; Wang, James R.; Tokay, Ali; Huang, Gwo-Jong; Kollias, Pavlos; Gleicher, Kirstin J.; Hudak, David; Nesbitt, Stephen W.; Reed, Kimberly A.; Schwaller, Mathew R.; Joe, Paul
内容記述As a component of the Earth's hydrologic cycle, and especially at higher latitudes,falling snow creates snow pack accumulation that in turn provides a large proportion of the fresh water resources required by many communities throughout the world. To assess the relationships between remotely sensed snow measurements with in situ measurements, a winter field project, termed the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Cold Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx), was carried out in the winter of 2011-2012 in Ontario, Canada. Its goal was to provide information on the precipitation microphysics and processes associated with cold season precipitation to support GPM snowfall retrieval algorithms that make use of a dual-frequency precipitation radar and a passive microwave imager on board the GPM core satellite,and radiometers on constellation member satellites. Multi-parameter methods are required to be able to relate changes in the microphysical character of the snow to measureable parameters from which precipitation detection and estimation can be based. The data collection strategy was coordinated, stacked, high-altitude and in-situ cloud aircraft missions with three research aircraft sampling within a broader surface network of five ground sites taking in-situ and volumetric observations. During the field campaign 25 events were identified and classified according to their varied precipitation type, synoptic context, and precipitation amount. Herein, the GCPEx fieldcampaign is described and three illustrative cases detailed.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
