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タイトルHe-3 comagnetometer in Xe-129 active spin maser for EDM measurement
その他のタイトルHe-3 comagnetometer in Xe-129 active spin maser for EDM measurement
著者(日)近森, 正敏; 市川, 雄一; 大友, 祐一; 彦田, 絵里; 坂本, 雄; 鈴木, 貴大; 井上, 壮志; 古川, 武; 吉見, 彰洋; 鈴木, 都文; 七尾, 翼; 宮武, 裕和; 土屋, 真人; 吉田, 直貴; 白井, 葉月; 猪野, 隆; 上野, 秀樹; 松尾, 由賀利; 福山, 武志; 旭, 耕一郎
著者(英)Chikamori, Masatoshi; Ichikawa, Yuichi; Ohtomo, Yuichi; Hikota, Eri; Sakamoto, Yu; Suzuki, Takahiro; Bidinosti, Christopher; Inoue, Takeshi; Furukawa, Takeshi; Yoshimi, Akihiro; Suzuki, Kunifumi; Nanao, Tsubasa; Miyatake, Hirokazu; Tsuchiya, Masato; Yoshida, Naoki; Shirai, Hazuki; Ino, Takashi; Ueno, Hideki; Matsuo, Yukari; Fukuyama, Takeshi; ASAHI, KOICHIRO
内容記述We aim to measure the electric dipole moment (EDM) of a diamagnetic atom Xe-129 to a size of 10 to power -28 ecm. Such the EDM search requires the improvement of the precision in frequency down to a level of 1 nHz. The previous developments of the active nuclear spin maser have improved the precision of frequency determination to about 10 nHz for a one-shot measurement. However, systematic uncertainty arises from a long-term drift in frequency originating from in the external magnetic field. A comagnetoneter using He-3 has been incorporated to the system in order to cancel out a long-term drift in the external magnetic field. The developments in the comagnetometer will be discussed in the presentation.
資料種別Conference Paper
