JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA Tool for the Automated Collection of Space Utilization Data: Three Dimensional Space Utilization Monitor
著者(英)Williams, Robert E.; Ngo, Phong H.; Perez, Lance C.; Morency, Richard; Fink, Patrick; Vos, Gordon A.; Simon, Cory
内容記述Space Human Factors and Habitability (SHFH) Element within the Human Research Program (HRP), in collaboration with the Behavioral Health and Performance (BHP) Element, is conducting research regarding Net Habitable Volume (NHV), the internal volume within a spacecraft or habitat that is available to crew for required activities, as well as layout and accommodations within that volume. NASA is looking for innovative methods to unobtrusively collect NHV data without impacting crew time. Data required includes metrics such as location and orientation of crew, volume used to complete tasks, internal translation paths, flow of work, and task completion times. In less constrained environments methods for collecting such data exist yet many are obtrusive and require significant postprocessing. Example technologies used in terrestrial settings include infrared (IR) retroreflective marker based motion capture, GPS sensor tracking, inertial tracking, and multiple camera filmography. However due to constraints of space operations many such methods are infeasible, such as inertial tracking systems which typically rely upon a gravity vector to normalize sensor readings, and traditional IR systems which are large and require extensive calibration. However multiple technologies have not yet been applied to space operations for these explicit purposes. Two of these include 3Dimensional Radio Frequency Identification RealTime Localization Systems (3D RFIDRTLS) and depth imaging systems which allow for 3D motion capture and volumetric scanning (such as those using IRdepth cameras like the Microsoft Kinect or Light Detection and Ranging / LightRadar systems, referred to as LIDAR).
NASA分類Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
