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タイトルCauchy Drag Estimation For Low Earth Orbiters
著者(英)Mashiku, Alinda K.; Carpenter, J. Russell
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Recent work on minimum variances estimators based on Cauchy distributions appear relevant to orbital drag estimation. Samples form Cauchy distributions which are part of a class of heavy-tailed distributions, are characterized by long stretches of fairly small variation, punctuated by large variations that are many times larger than could be expected from a Gaussian. Such behavior can occur when solar storms perturb the atmosphere. In this context, the present work describes an embedding of the scalar Idan-Speyer Cauchy Estimator to estimate density corrections, within an Extended Kalman Filter that estimates the state of a low Earth orbiter. In contrast to the baseline Kalman approach, the larger formal errors of the present approach fully and conservatively bound the predictive error distribution, even in the face of unanticipated density disturbances of hundreds of percent.
NASA分類Mathematical and Computer Sciences (General); Astrodynamics
権利No Copyright
