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タイトルAnthropogenic and Volcanic Contributions to the Decadal Variations of Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
著者(英)Lu, Zifeng; Aquila, Valentina; Bian, Huisheng; Pumphrey, Hugh; Vernier, Jean P.; Diehl, Thomas; Burrows, John P.; Colarco, Peter R.; Krotov, Nickolay A.; Read, William G.; Tan, Qian; Streets, David; Chin, Mian
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述We investigated the anthropogenic and volcanic contributions to sulfate aerosol in the stratosphere through modeling and analysis of satellite data. We use a global model GOCART to simulate SO2 and sulfate aerosol in the period of 2000 to 2010, during which numerous volcanic eruptions occurred although nothing like the magnitudes of El Chichon or Pinatubo. We compared the model results with the column SO2 data from OMI and stratospheric SO2 data from MLS instrument on Aura satellite and the aerosol vertical profiles from the SCIAMACHY instrument on Envisat and the CALIOP instrument on CALIPSO satellites. Finally, we assessed the relative contributions of volcanic aerosols vs. anthropogenic aerosols to the observed decadal stratospheric aerosol trends.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing; Environment Pollution
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
