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タイトルThe HEASARC Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Archive: The Pipeline and the Catalog
著者(英)Gehrels, Neil; Donato, Davide; Sakamoto, Takanori; Padgett, C.A.; Angelini, Lorella; Marshall, Francis E.; Reichard, T.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Since its launch in late 2004, the Swift satellite triggered or observed an average of one gamma-ray burst (GRB) every 3 days, for a total of 771 GRBs by 2012 January. Here, we report the development of a pipeline that semi automatically performs the data-reduction and data-analysis processes for the three instruments on board Swift (BAT, XRT, UVOT). The pipeline is written in Perl, and it uses only HEAsoft tools and can be used to perform the analysis of a majority of the point-like objects (e.g., GRBs, active galactic nuclei, pulsars) observed by Swift. We run the pipeline on the GRBs, and we present a database containing the screened data, the output products, and the results of our ongoing analysis. Furthermore, we created a catalog summarizing some GRB information, collected either by running the pipeline or from the literature. The Perl script, the database, and the catalog are available for downloading and querying at the HEASARC Web site.
NASA分類Astronomy; Astrophysics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
