JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA Nanoflare-Based Cellular Automaton Model and the Observed Properties of the Coronal Plasma
著者(英)Klimchuk, James Andrew; Lopez-Fuentes, Marcelo
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述We use the cellular automaton model described in Lopez Fuentes and Klimchuk to study the evolution of coronal loop plasmas. The model, based on the idea of a critical misalignment angle in tangled magnetic fields, produces nanoflares of varying frequency with respect to the plasma cooling time. We compare the results of the model with active region (AR) observations obtained with the Hinode/XRT and SDOAIA instruments. The comparison is based on the statistical properties of synthetic and observed loop light curves. Our results show that the model reproduces the main observational characteristics of the evolution of the plasma in AR coronal loops. The typical intensity fluctuations have amplitudes of 10 percent - 15 percent both for the model and the observations. The sign of the skewness of the intensity distributions indicates the presence of cooling plasma in the loops. We also study the emission measure (EM) distribution predicted by the model and obtain slopes in log(EM) versus log(T) between 2.7 and 4.3, in agreement with published observational values.
NASA分類Solar Physics
