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タイトルMeasurement of Cohesion in Asteroid Regolith Materials
著者(英)Shober, Patrick; Harvey, Ralph; Kleinhenz, Julie; Carreno, Brandon; Waters, Deborah; Zeszut, Zoe; Gaier, James
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述There is increasing evidence that a large fraction of asteroids, and even Phobos, have such low densities (<2 g/cu cm) that the are unlikely to be consolidated rocks in space.-Water is unlikely due to close orbits to the sun. Instead, many of these asteroids are thought to be made up of unconsolidated smaller particles of varying size referred to as rubble piles. Images of the asteroid Itokawa reinforce this hypothesis. What holds the rubble piles together? Gravitational forces alone are not strong enough to hold together rubble pile asteroids, at least not those that are rapidly spinning Van der Waals forces and or Electrostatic forces must therefore be responsible for holding them together. Previous work suggests that electrostatic forces, which are orders of magnitude stronger are far more likely. Charge build-up is a likely consequence of the interaction of airless bodies with the solar wind plasma, analogous to what has been proposed to occur on the moon. Objective: Experimentally measure cohesive forces relevant to those holding rubble pile asteroids together
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
