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タイトルApplied Meteorology Unit (AMU) Quarterly Report First Quarter FY-14
著者(英)Shafer, Jaclyn A.; Huddleston, Lisa L.; Bauman, William Henry; Watson, Leela R.; Decker, Ryan K.; Crawford, Winifred C.
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述NASA's LSP and other programs at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) use wind forecasts issued by the 30th Operational Support Squadron (30 OSS) to determine if they need to limit activities or protect property such as a launch vehicle due to the occurrence of warning level winds at VAFB in California. The 30 OSS tasked the AMU to provide a wind forecasting capability to improve wind warning forecasts and enhance the safety of their customers' operations. This would allow 30 OSS forecasters to evaluate pressure gradient thresholds between pairs of regional observing stations to help determine the onset and duration of warning category winds. Development of such a tool will require that solid relationships exist between wind speed and the pressure gradient of one or more station pairs. As part of this task, the AMU will also create a statistical climatology of meteorological observations from the VAFB wind towers.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
レポートNODRL-003 DRD-004
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
