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タイトルBoundary Layer Transition Detection on a Rotor Blade Using Rotating Mirror Thermography
著者(英)Raffel, Markus; Heineck, James T.; Schuelein, Erich
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Laminar-to-turbulent transition on a rotor blade in hover has been imaged using an area-scan infrared camera. A new method for tracking a blade using a rotating mirror was employed. The mirror axis of rotation roughly corresponded to the rotor axis of rotation and the mirror rotational frequency is 1/2 that of the rotor. This permitted the use of cameras whose integration time was too long to prevent image blur due to the motion of the blade. This article will show the use of this method for a rotor blade at different collective pitch angles.
NASA分類Aerodynamics; Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
