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タイトルComparison of Sample and Detection Quantification Methods for Salmonella Enterica from Produce
著者(英)Dixit, A.; Richards, J. T.; Parrish, C., II; Spencer, L. M.; Khodadad, C.; Birmele, M.; Wheeler, Raymond; Larson, B.; Hummerick, M. P.
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述The purpose of this study was to identify and optimize fast and reliable sampling and detection methods for the identification of pathogens that may be present on produce grown in small vegetable production units on the International Space Station (ISS), thus a field setting. Microbiological testing is necessary before astronauts are allowed to consume produce grown on ISS where currently there are two vegetable production units deployed, Lada and Veggie.
NASA分類Life Sciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
