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タイトルToward an Efficient Icing CFD Process Using an Interactive Software Toolkit: Smagglce 2D
著者(英)Vickerman, Mary B.; Cotton, Barbara J.; Baez, Marivell; Choo, Yung K.; Schilling, Herbert W.; Braun, Donald C.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述Two-dimensional CID analysis for iced airfoils can be a labor-intensive task. The software toolkit SmaggIce 2D is being developed to help streamline the CID process and provide the unique features needed for icing. When complete, it will include a combination of partially automated and fully interactive tools for all aspects of the tasks leading up to the flow analysis: geometry preparation, domain decomposition. block boundary demoralization. gridding, and linking with a flow solver. It also includes tools to perform ice shape characterization, an important aid in determining the relationship between ice characteristics and their effects on aerodynamic performance. Completed tools, work-in-progress, and planned features of the software toolkit are presented here.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
AIAA Paper 2002-0380
NAS 1.15:211338
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
