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タイトルTethered Satellites as an Enabling Platform for Operational Space Weather Monitoring Systems
著者(英)Bilen, Sven Gunnar; Johnson, Charles; Hoegy, Walt R.; Inderesan, Rohini; Powers, Joseph; Gallagher, Dennis Lee; Gilchrist, Brian E.; Owens, Jerry Keith; Fuhrhop, Keith; Williams, Scott; Voronka, Nestor; Krause, Linda Habash
内容記述Tethered satellites offer the potential to be an important enabling technology to support operational space weather monitoring systems. Space weather "nowcasting" and forecasting models rely on assimilation of near-real-time (NRT) space environment data to provide warnings for storm events and deleterious effects on the global societal infrastructure. Typically, these models are initialized by a climatological model to provide "most probable distributions" of environmental parameters as a function of time and space. The process of NRT data assimilation gently pulls the climate model closer toward the observed state (e.g., via Kalman smoothing) for nowcasting, and forecasting is achieved through a set of iterative semi-empirical physics-based forward-prediction calculations. Many challenges are associated with the development of an operational system, from the top-level architecture (e.g., the required space weather observatories to meet the spatial and temporal requirements of these models) down to the individual instruments capable of making the NRT measurements. This study focuses on the latter challenge: we present some examples of how tethered satellites (from 100s of m to 20 km) are uniquely suited to address certain shortfalls in our ability to measure critical environmental parameters necessary to drive these space weather models. Examples include long baseline electric field measurements, magnetized ionospheric conductivity measurements, and the ability to separate temporal from spatial irregularities in environmental parameters. Tethered satellite functional requirements are presented for two examples of space environment observables.
NASA分類Geophysics; Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
