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タイトルAn Extended Case Study Methoology for Investigating Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Factors on Human-Automation Trust
著者(英)Koltai, Kolina Sun; Skoog, Mark; Niedober, David; Johnson, Walter; Masequesmay, Gina; Ho, Nhut; Cacanindin, Artemio
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述This paper discusses a case study that examined the influence of cultural, organizational and automation capability upon human trust in, and reliance on, automation. In particular, this paper focuses on the design and application of an extended case study methodology, and on the foundational lessons revealed by it. Experimental test pilots involved in the research and development of the US Air Forces newly developed Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System served as the context for this examination. An eclectic, multi-pronged approach was designed to conduct this case study, and proved effective in addressing the challenges associated with the cases politically sensitive and military environment. Key results indicate that the system design was in alignment with pilot culture and organizational mission, indicating the potential for appropriate trust development in operational pilots. These include the low-vulnerabilityhigh risk nature of the pilot profession, automation transparency and suspicion, system reputation, and the setup of and communications among organizations involved in the system development.
NASA分類Behavioral Sciences; Aircraft Communications and Navigation
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
