JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDesign, Fabrication and Testing of an Experimental Apparatus for Determining Particle Behavior Under Very Low Intergranular Stresses
著者(英)Costes, N.; Sture, S.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Because the constitutive laws for soils are governed mainly by interparticle friction, all aspects of their mechanical behavior depend strongly on gravitational body forces. This fact poses serious limitations on the formulation of a materially objective soil constitutive theory, based on experimentation performed on Earth. In particular, the presence of the Earth's gravity prohibits the design of controlled experiments to properly simulate a variety of critical phenomena associated with the dynamic response of soils to seismic excitation in a very low effective confining stress field. For these reasons, laboratory-controlled experiments in the Space Shuttle, under essentially zero-gravity conditions, could offer invaluable opportunities for developing a quantitative understanding of fundamental aspects of soil behavior during or after an earthquake, which, in turn, could result in significant technological advances in geotechnical earthquake engineering.
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