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タイトルUsing Concurrent Cardiovascular Information to Augment Survival Time Data from Orthostatic Tilt Tests
著者(英)Platts, Steven H.; Fiedler, James; Lee, Stuart M. M.; Stenger, Michael B.; Feiveson, Alan H.; Westby, Christian M.
内容記述Orthostatic Intolerance (OI) is the propensity to develop symptoms of fainting during upright standing. OI is associated with changes in heart rate, blood pressure and other measures of cardiac function. Problem: NASA astronauts have shown increased susceptibility to OI on return from space missions. Current methods for counteracting OI in astronauts include fluid loading and the use of compression garments. Multivariate trajectory spread is greater as OI increases. Pairwise comparisons at the same time within subjects allows incorporation of pass/fail outcomes. Path length, convex hull area, and covariance matrix determinant do well as statistics to summarize this spread Missing data problems Time series analysis need many more time points per OTT session treatment of trend? how incorporate survival information?
NASA分類Life Sciences (General); Aerospace Medicine
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
