JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA Mechanism Involving Solar Ultraviolet Variations for Modulating the Interannual Climatology of the Middle Atmosphere
著者(英)Hood, L. L.; Jirikowic, J. L.
著者所属(英)Arizona Univ.
内容記述In years of low solar activity, free traveling wave modes in the upper stratosphere are dominated by atmospheric normal modes such as the 16-day wave. However, within a 4-year interval centered on the 1980 to 1981 solar maximum, cross-spectral analyses of zonal mean satellite temperature data versus the solar UV flux demonstrate significant power near 27 and 13 days, providing indirect evidence that short-term UV variations were capable of exciting traveling planetary-scale waves in the upper stratosphere. Previous theoretical and observational work has indicated that interference between traveling waves and stationary waves forced from below (and the resulting oscillating latitudinal heat transports) plays a likely role in the initiation of stratospheric warmings. Researchers therefore hypothesize that the initiation of a major stratospheric warming in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere may depend to some extent on the amplitude of longer-period 27-day traveling waves in the upper stratosphere. This would represent a new mechanism for solar UV effects on stratospheric climatology that may be relevant to the interpretation of some recent long-term correlative results.
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