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タイトルSoutheastern U.S.A. Continental Shelf Respiratory Rates Revisited
著者(英)Peters Francesc; Blanton, Jackson O.; Pomeroy, Lawrence R.; Amft, Julie; Griffith, Peter C.; Sheldon, Wade M., Jr.; Sheldon, Joan E.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Respiratory rates on the U. S. southeastern continental shelf have been estimated several times by different investigators, most recently by Jiang et al. (Biogeochemistry 98:101-113, 2010) who report lower mean rates thanwere found in earlier work and attribute the differences to analytical error in all methods used in earlier studies. The differences are, instead, attributable to the differences in the geographical scope of the studies. The lower estimates of regional organic carbon flux of Jiang et al. (Biogeochemistry 98:101-113, 2010) are a consequence of their extrapolation of data from a small portion of the shelf to the entire South Atlantic Bight. This comment examines the methodologies used as well as the variability of respiratory rates in this region over space and time.
NASA分類Geosciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
