JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStatus of Understanding for Seal Materials
著者(英)P F Brown
著者所属(英)Pratt & Whitney (United States)
発行機関などNational Aeronautics and Space Administration
刊行物名Tribology in the 80's: Volume 2-Sessions 5 to 8
抄録Material selection for mainshaft face and ring seals, labyrinth seals, accessory gearbox face seals, and lip seals are discussed in light of tribology requirements and a given seal application. Carbon graphite has been found to be one of the best sealing materials and it is widely used in current gas turbine mainshaft and accessory gearbox seals. Its popularity is due to its unique combination of properties which consists of dimensional stability, corrosion resistance, low friction, good self lubricating characteristics, high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion, the latter two properties combining to provide good thermal shock resistance. A brief description of the seals and the requirements they must meet are discussed to provide insight into the limitations and advantages of the seals in containing the lubricant. A forecast is made of the operational requirements of main shaft and gearbox seals for advanced engines and candidate materials and coatings that may satisfy these advanced engine requirements.
NASA分類Mechanical Engineering
権利Creative Commons License:NO
