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タイトルPreliminary Development of a Multifunctional Hot Structure Heat Shield
著者(英)Walker, Sandra P.; Armand, Sasan C.; Samareh, Jamshid A.; Perino, Scott V; Daryabeigi, Kamran
内容記述Development of a Multifunctional Hot Structure Heat Shield concept has initiated with the goal to provide advanced technology with significant benefits compared to the current state of the art heat shield technology. The concept is unique in integrating the function of the thermal protection system with the primary load carrying structural component. An advanced carbon-carbon material system has been evaluated for the load carrying structure, which will be utilized on the outer surface of the heat shield, and thus will operate as a hot structure exposed to the severe aerodynamic heating associated with planetary entry. Flexible, highly efficient blanket insulation has been sized for use underneath the hot structure to maintain desired internal temperatures. The approach was to develop a preliminary design to demonstrate feasibility of the concept. The preliminary results indicate that the concept has the potential to save both mass and volume with significantly less recession compared to traditional heat shield designs, and thus provide potential to enable new planetary missions.
NASA分類Structural Mechanics; Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
AIAA Paper 2014-0350
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
