JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルToF-SIMS Investigation of the Effectiveness of Acid-Cleaning procedures for Genesis Solar Wind Collectors
著者(英)Humanyun, M.; Gonzalez, C. P.; Goreva, Y. S.; Jurewicz, A. J.; Burnett, D. S.
内容記述ToF-SIMS images of Genesis sample surfaces contain an incredible amount of important information, but they also show that the crash-derived surface contamination has many components, presenting a challenge to cleaning. Within the variability, we have shown that there are some samples which appear to be clean to begin with, e.g. 60471, and some are more contaminated. Samples 60493 and 60500 are a part of a focused study of the effectiveness of aqua regia and/or sulfuric acid cleaning of small flight Si implanted with Li-6 using ToF-SIMS.
NASA分類Chemistry and Materials (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
