JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルUpdate of the Bisphosphonate ISS Flight Experiment
著者(英)LeBlanc, Adrian; Sibonga, Jean; Spector, Elisabeth; Matsumoto, Toshio; Smith, Scott M.; Shapiro, Jay; Lang, Thomas; Ohshima, Hiroshi; Jones, Jeffrey; Moralez, Gilbert; Shackelford, Linda; Nakamura, Toshitaka; Keyak, Joyce; Evans, Harlan; Kohri, Kenjiro; Ploutz-Snyder, Robert
内容記述The bisphosphonate study is an international collaboration between the NASA and JAXA space agencies to investigate the potential value of antiresorptive drugs to mitigate the well-established bone changes associated with long-duration spaceflight. Our hypothesis is that an antiresorptive drug in combination with in-flight exercise will ameliorate bone loss and hypercalcuria during long-duration spaceflight. We have completed data analysis for 7 crewmembers treated with alendronate during flight and 3 of 10 controls without treatment. We previously reported the pre/postflight changes in bone density and the pre versus in-flight changes in various biomarkers in crewmembers taking alendronate during flight. The purpose of this report is to compare these results with the 12- month follow-up data. The table below presents these data as a percentage change from baseline either immediately postflight or in-flight (biochemical markers) with a 1-year follow-up.
NASA分類Aerospace Medicine
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
