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タイトルProducts from NASA's In-Space Propulsion Program Applicable to Low-Cost Planetary Missions
著者(英)Dankanich, John; Glabb, Louis J.; Pencil, Eric J.; Falck, Robert D.; Anderson, David
内容記述NASAs In-Space Propulsion Technology (ISPT) program has been developing technologies for lowering the cost of planetary science missions. The technology areas include electric propulsion technologies, spacecraft bus technologies, entry vehicle technologies, and design tools for systems analysis and mission trajectories. The electric propulsion technologies include critical components of both gridded and non-gridded ion propulsion systems. The spacecraft bus technologies under development include an ultra-lightweight tank (ULTT) and advanced xenon feed system (AXFS). The entry vehicle technologies include the development of a multi-mission entry vehicle, mission design tools and aerocapture. The design tools under development include system analysis tools and mission trajectory design tools.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利No Copyright
