JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMeasured Propagation Characteristics of Coplanar Waveguide on Semi-Insulating 4H-SiC Through 800 K
著者(英)Ponchak, George E.; Freeman, Jon C.; Schwartz, Zachary D.; Alterovitz, Samuel A.; Downey, Alan N.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述Wireless sensors for high temperature industrial applications and jet engines require RF transmission lines and RF integrated circuits (RFICs) on wide bandgap semiconductors such as SiC. In this paper, the complex propagation constant of coplanar waveguide fabricated on semiinsulating 4H-SiC has been measured through 813 K. It is shown that the attenuation increases 3.4 dB/cm at 50 GHz as the SiC temperature is increased from 300 K to 813 K. Above 500 K, the major contribution to loss is the decrease in SiC resistivity. The effective permittivity of the same line increases by approximately 5 percent at microwave frequencies and 20 percent at 1 GHz.
NASA分類Electronics and Electrical Engineering
権利No Copyright
