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タイトルStudies of Coronae and Large Volcanoes on Venus: Constraining the Diverse Outcomes of Small-Scale Mantle Upwellings on Venus
著者(英)Stofan, Ellen R.
著者所属(英)Proxemy Research, Inc.
内容記述Proxemy Research had a grant from NASA to perform science research on upwelling and volcanism on Venus. This was a 3 year Planetary Geology and Geophysics grant to E. Stofan, entitled Coronae and Large volcanoes on Venus. This grant closes on 12/31/05. Here we summarize the scientific progress and accomplishments of this grant. Scientific publications and abstracts of presentations are indicated in the final section. This was a very productive grant and the progress that was made is summarized. Attention is drawn to the publications and abstracts published in each year. The proposal consisted of two tasks, one examining coronae and one studying large volcanoes. The corona task (Task 1) consisted of three parts: 1) a statistical study of the updated corona population, with Sue Smrekar, Lori Glaze, Paula Martin and Steve Baloga; 2) geologic analysis of several specific groups of coronae, with Sue Smrekar and others; and 3) determining the histories and significance of a number of coronae with extreme amounts of volcanism, with Sue Smrekar. Task 2, studies of large volcanoes, consisted of two subtasks. In the first, we studied the geologic history of several volcanoes, with John Guest, Peter Grindrod, Antony Brian and Steve Anderson. In the second subtask, I analyzed a number of Venusian volcanoes with evidence of summit diking along with Peter Grindrod and Francis Nimmo.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利No Copyright
