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タイトルBenchmark Calibration Tests Completed for Stirling Convertor Heater Head Life Assessment
著者(英)Krause, David L.; Bowman, Randy R.; Halford, Gary R.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述A major phase of benchmark testing has been completed at the NASA Glenn Research Center (http://www.nasa.gov/glenn/), where a critical component of the Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG) is undergoing extensive experimentation to aid the development of an analytical life-prediction methodology. Two special-purpose test rigs subjected SRG heater-head pressure-vessel test articles to accelerated creep conditions, using the standard design temperatures to stay within the wall material s operating creep-response regime, but increasing wall stresses up to 7 times over the design point. This resulted in well-controlled "ballooning" of the heater-head hot end. The test plan was developed to provide critical input to analytical parameters in a reasonable period of time.
NASA分類Quality Assurance and Reliability
権利No Copyright
