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タイトルMISSE PEACE Polymers: An International Space Station Environmental Exposure Experiment Being Conducted
著者(英)Hammerstrom, Anne; deGroh, Kim K.; Wright, Douglas; Fine, Elizabeth; Kaminski, Carolyn; Marx, Laura; Youngstrom, Erica; Gummow, Jonathan D.; Banks, Bruce A.
著者所属(英)Hathaway Brown School; NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述As part of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE), 41 different polymers are being exposed for approximately 1 1/2 years to the low-Earth-orbit (LEO) environment on the exterior of the International Space Station. MISSE is a materials flight experiment sponsored by the Air Force Research Lab/Materials Lab and NASA, and is the first external experiment on the space station. A similar set of 41 polymers will be flown as part of the Polymer Erosion and Contamination Experiment (PEACE) a shuttle flight experiment that is being developed at the NASA Glenn Research Center collaboratively with the Hathaway Brown School for girls. Therefore, these 41 polymers are collectively called the MISSE PEACE Polymers. The purpose of the MISSE PEACE Polymers experiment is to determine how durable polymers are in the LEO space environment where spacecraft, such as the space station, orbit. Polymers are commonly used as spacecraft materials because of their desirable properties such as good flexibility, low density, and certain electrical properties or optical properties (such as a low solar absorptance and high thermal emittance). Two examples of the use of polymers on the exterior of spacecraft exposed to the space environment include metalized Teflon FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene, DuPont) thermal control materials on the Hubble Space Telescope, and polyimide Kapton (DuPont) solar array blankets.
NASA分類Nonmetallic Materials
権利No Copyright
