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タイトルMicrogravity Experiments Being Developed for Microscopic Study of Colloidal Spheres
著者(英)Rogers, Richard B.
著者所属(英)NASA Lewis Research Center
内容記述Microscopic spheres suspended in liquid become highly ordered under the proper conditions. Such collections of particles, called colloidal suspensions or colloids, are the subject of a series of ongoing microgravity experiments at the NASA Lewis Research Center. By studying the way these colloidal suspensions order themselves, scientists can better understand how atoms of a liquid become ordered to form a solid. In addition, highly ordered colloids have special properties that may make them useful in future hightech applications. Work is underway at Lewis to develop an optical microscope to view these colloidal suspensions sphere by sphere in microgravity.
NASA分類Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
権利No Copyright
