JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSurrogate-based Analysis and Optimization
著者(英)Goel, Tushar; Haftka, Raphael T.; Shyy, Wei; Queipo, Nestor V.; Tucker, P. Kevin; Vaidyanathan, Raj
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述A major challenge to the successful full-scale development of modem aerospace systems is to address competing objectives such as improved performance, reduced costs, and enhanced safety. Accurate, high-fidelity models are typically time consuming and computationally expensive. Furthermore, informed decisions should be made with an understanding of the impact (global sensitivity) of the design variables on the different objectives. In this context, the so-called surrogate-based approach for analysis and optimization can play a very valuable role. The surrogates are constructed using data drawn from high-fidelity models, and provide fast approximations of the objectives and constraints at new design points, thereby making sensitivity and optimization studies feasible. This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of the fundamental issues that arise in surrogate-based analysis and optimization (SBAO), highlighting concepts, methods, techniques, as well as practical implications. The issues addressed include the selection of the loss function and regularization criteria for constructing the surrogates, design of experiments, surrogate selection and construction, sensitivity analysis, convergence, and optimization. The multi-objective optimal design of a liquid rocket injector is presented to highlight the state of the art and to help guide future efforts.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利No Copyright
