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タイトルSulfate Deposition in Regolith Exposed in Trenches on the Plains Between the Spirit Landing Site and Columbia Hills in Gusev Crater, Mars
著者(英)Wang, Alian; Haskin, L. A.; Squyres, S. W.; Herkenhoff, K.; Hurowitz, J.; Arvidson, R.; Gellert, R.; Crumpler, L.; Tosca, N.; Schroeder, C.
著者所属(英)Washington Univ.
内容記述During its exploration within Gusev crater between sol 01 and sol 158, the Spirit rover dug three trenches (Fig. 1) to expose the subsurface regolith [1, 2, 9]. Laguna trench (approx. 6 cm deep, approx.203 m from the rim of Bonneville crater) was dug in Laguna Hollow at the boundary of the impact ejecta from Bonneville crater and the surrounding plains. The Big Hole trench (approx. 6-7 cm deep) and The Boroughs trench (approx. 11 cm deep) were dug in the plains between the Bonneville crater and the Columbia Hills (approx.556 m and approx.1698 m from the rim of Bonneville crater respectively). The top, wall and floor regolith of the three trenches were investigated using the entire set of Athena scientific instruments [10].
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
