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タイトルGeological Evolution of the Ganiki Planitia Quadrangle (V14) on Venus
著者(英)Grosfils, E. B.; Venechuk, E. M.; Richards, J. W.; Kastl, B.; Hurwitz, D. M.; Drury, D. E.; Long, s. M.
著者所属(英)Pomona Coll.
内容記述The Ganiki Planitia quadrangle (25-50degN, 180-210degE) is located north of Atla Regio, south of Vinmara Planitia, and southeast of Atalanta Planitia. The region contains a diverse array of volcanic-, tectonic- and impact-derived features, and the objectives for the ongoing mapping effort are fivefold: 1) explore the formation and evolution of radiating dike swarms within the region, 2) use the diverse array of volcanic deposits to further test the neutral buoyancy hypothesis proposed to explain the origin of reservoir-derived features, 3&4) unravel the volcanic and tectonic evolution in this area, and 5) explore the implications of 1-4 for resurfacing mechanisms. Here we summarize our onging analysis of the material unit stratigraphy in the quadrangle, data central to meeting the aforementioned objectives successfully.
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