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タイトルSearching for Life with Rovers: Exploration Methods & Science Results from the 2004 Field Campaign of the "Life in the Atacama" Project and Applications to Future Mars Missions
著者(英)Coppin, P.; Moersch, J.; Fisher, G.; Grin, E. A.; Dohm, J. M.; Wettergreen, D. S.; Cabrol, N. A.a; Cockell, C.; Whittaker, R.; Diaz, G. Chong
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The Life In The Atacama (LITA) project develops and field tests a long-range, solarpowered, automated rover platform (Zo ) and a science payload assembled to search for microbial life in the Atacama desert. Life is barely detectable over most of the driest desert on Earth. Its unique geological, climatic, and biological evolution have created a unique training site for designing and testing exploration strategies and life detection methods for the robotic search for life on Mars.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
