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タイトルEnergy Evaluation of Pulsed Heavy Ion Beam produced by Bipolar Pulse Accelerator
著者(日)岡島, 慧人; 杉浦, 慶哉; 大橋, 隼人; 伊藤, 弘昭
著者(英)Okajima, Keito; Sugiura, Keiya; Ohashi, Hayato; Ito, Hiroaki
著者所属(日)富山大学; 富山大学; 富山大学; 富山大学
著者所属(英)University of Toyama; University of Toyama; University of Toyama; University of Toyama
発行機関などNational Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NIFS)
刊行物名Research Report NIFS-PROC Series
抄録We demonstrated evaluation experiments of a prototype bipolar pulse accelerator (BPA) which produces an intense pulsed ion beam with higher purity than the conventional ion diode. The BPA achieves the high purity in principle by the two step acceleration with a bipolar pulsed voltage. With the bipolar pulse with the voltage of plus or minus 110 kV and pulse duration of about 70 ns, the ions from the gas puff nitrogen plasma source were successfully accelerated with the energy of the corresponding applied negative voltage of the bipolar pulse as the first step acceleration. The pulsed ion beam with current density of 70 A/cm2 was obtained at 48 mm downstream from the grounded anode surface with the appropriate time delay operation of the plasma source and the bipolar pulse generator.
内容記述Meeting Information: The Symposium on Evolution of Pulse Power and its Peripheral Technology (January 8-9, 2015. National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)), Toki, Gifu, Japan
Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations
Note: One CD-ROM
形態: カラー図版あり
形態: CD-ROM1枚
キーワードPulsed ion beam; Bipolar pulse accelerator; Pulse power technology
資料種別Conference Paper
NASA分類Nuclear Physics
