JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMultidisciplinary Optimization Methods for Aircraft Preliminary Design
著者(英)Kroo, Ilan; Altus, Steve; Braun, Robert; Gage, Peter; Sobieski, Ian
著者所属(英)Stanford Univ.
内容記述This paper describes a research program aimed at improved methods for multidisciplinary design and optimization of large-scale aeronautical systems. The research involves new approaches to system decomposition, interdisciplinary communication, and methods of exploiting coarse-grained parallelism for analysis and optimization. A new architecture, that involves a tight coupling between optimization and analysis, is intended to improve efficiency while simplifying the structure of multidisciplinary, computation-intensive design problems involving many analysis disciplines and perhaps hundreds of design variables. Work in two areas is described here: system decomposition using compatibility constraints to simplify the analysis structure and take advantage of coarse-grained parallelism; and collaborative optimization, a decomposition of the optimization process to permit parallel design and to simplify interdisciplinary communication requirements.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
レポートNOAIAA Paper -94-4325-CP
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
