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タイトルThe Mach 10 Component of NASA's Hyper-X Ground Test Program
著者(英)Shih, A. T.; Bakos, R. J.; Rogers, R. C.; Tsai, C.-Y.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The Mach 10 Hyper-X ground test program is described, in which experimental flowpath parametric testing is being done in the HYPULSE facility. This facility has been upgraded for this effort by adding a reflected-shock-tunnel operating mode to access test conditions at Mach 10 and below. A large test section and hypersonic nozzle have been installed to provide full-scale engine test capability and the instrumentation systems have been expanded. A model of the Hyper-X engine flowpath has been built for freejet testing in the shock tunnel at both Mach 7 and 10 flight conditions. The model has over 180 instrumentation ports, a pitot rake mountable at the engine inlet or exit, and optical windows for visualization of the isolator, combustor, and nozzle. Testing in HYPULSE has been completed at Mach 7 conditions to provide a link between pulse facility data and the large Hyper-X performance database that is being accumulated in long-duration facilities. Comparisons of Mach 7 data with computational predictions and with data recently acquired for an identical flowpath being tested in the NASA 8-foot High Temperature Tunnel are presented.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
