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タイトルFatigue Crack and Porosity Measurement in Composite Materials by Thermographic and Ultrasonic Methods
著者(英)Workman, Gary L.; Walker, James L.; Suits, Michael W.; Russell, Samuel S.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Contents include the following: 1. Purpose. Detect thermo-mechanically induced intra-ply fatigue microcracking and manufactured porosity in unlined composite pressure vessels. 2. Defect descriptions. Porosity, microcracking. 3. Thermography. Overview of technique. Strengths and Weaknesses. Examples of its use for porosity detection. 4. Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Overview of technique. Strengths and Weaknesses. Examples of its use for microcracking detection. Conclusions.
NASA分類Composite Materials
権利No Copyright
