JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルHolographic Optical Storage Using Photorefractive Polymers
著者(英)Hayden, L. Michael; Strutz, Shane J.; Harris, Kristi; Ayachitula, Rajani
著者所属(英)Maryland Univ. Baltimore County
内容記述The task for this report is to perform the basic research and develop a prototype benchtop holographic optical storage system based on photochromic and/or photorefractive polymers so that both permanent and erasable images may be stored and retrieved in the same mixed polymer medium. The task consist of: assembly and setup of the benchtop holographic storage system, including lasers, optics, and other ancillary equipment in a laboratory setting; and research and development of a suitable polymer matrix that will allow practical storage and retrieval of digital data. This will necessitate molecular design of the matrices involved and subsequent physics test to verify the characteristics of the matrices provide practical storage and retrieval.
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