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タイトルRotor Wake Vortex Definition Using 3C-PIV Measurements: Corrected for Vortex Orientation
著者(英)vanderWall, Berend; Delrieux, Yves; Burley, Casey L.; Brooks, Thomas F.; Richard, Hughues Richard; Beaumier, Philippe; Tung, Chee; Raffel, Markus; Lim, Joon W.; Yu, Yung H.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Three-component (3-C) particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, within the wake across a rotor disk plane, are used to determine wake vortex definitions important for BVI (Blade Vortex Interaction) and broadband noise prediction. This study is part of the HART II test program conducted using a 40 percent scale BO-105 helicopter main rotor in the German-Dutch Wind Tunnel (DNW). In this paper, measurements are presented of the wake vortex field over the advancing side of the rotor operating at a typical descent landing condition. The orientations of the vortex (tube) axes are found to have non-zero tilt angles with respect to the chosen PIV measurement cut planes, often on the order of 45 degrees. Methods for determining the orientation of the vortex axis and reorienting the measured PIV velocity maps (by rotation/projection) are presented. One method utilizes the vortex core axial velocity component, the other utilizes the swirl velocity components. Key vortex parameters such as vortex core size, strength, and core velocity distribution characteristics are determined from the reoriented PIV velocity maps. The results are compared with those determined from velocity maps that are not corrected for orientation. Knowledge of magnitudes and directions of the vortex axial and swirl velocity components as a function of streamwise location provide a basis for insight into the vortex evolution.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2003-3175
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
