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タイトルImplementation of Autonomous Control Technology for Plant Growth Chambers
著者(英)Costello, Thomas A.; Krumins, Valdis; Wheeler, Raymond M.; Sager, John C.
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述The Kennedy Space Center has significant infrastructure for research using controlled environment plant growth chambers. Such research supports development of bioregenerative life support technology for long-term space missions. Most of the existing chambers in Hangar L and Little L will be moved to the new Space Experiment Research and Processing Laboratory (SERPL) in the summer of 2003. The impending move has created an opportunity to update the control system technologies to allow for greater flexibility, less labor for set-up and maintenance, better diagnostics, better reliability and easier data retrieval. Part of these improvements can be realized using hardware which communicates through an ethernet connection to a central computer for supervisory control but can be operated independently of the computer during routine run-time. Both the hardware and software functionality of an envisioned system were tested on a prototype plant growth chamber (CEC-4) in Hangar L. Based upon these tests, recommendations for hardware and software selection and system design for implementation in SERPL are included.
NASA分類Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
権利No Copyright
