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タイトルEarth Science Markup Language: Transitioning From Design to Application
著者(英)Ramachandran, Rahul; Moe, Karen; Graves, Sara
著者所属(英)Alabama Univ.
内容記述The primary objective of the proposed Earth Science Markup Language (ESML) research is to transition from design to application. The resulting schema and prototype software will foster community acceptance for the "define once, use anywhere" concept central to ESML. Supporting goals include: 1. Refinement of the ESML schema and software libraries in cooperation with the user community. 2. Application of the ESML schema and software libraries to a variety of Earth science data sets and analysis tools. 3. Development of supporting prototype software for enhanced ease of use. 4. Cooperation with standards bodies in order to assure ESML is aligned with related metadata standards as appropriate. 5. Widespread publication of the ESML approach, schema, and software.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
