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タイトルUse of TRMM Data to Test an Improved Parameterization of Stratiform Precipitation
著者(英)Randall, David A.; Fowler, Laura D.
著者所属(英)Colorado State Univ.
内容記述We successfully implemented our EAUcup parameterization of convection in our most recent geodesic-grid version of the Colorado State University General Circulation Model (CSU GCM). Tendencies due to convection and large-scale cloud microphysics are computed using the same time-step, allowing smoother interactions between convective and large-scale moist processes. Figures illustrate our most recent progress on the simulation of convective and stratiform precipitations for January. Comparisons against TRMM precipitation radar (PR) data would reveal a systematic overestimation of the simulated monthly-mean convective rainfall over well-known areas of deep convection. One major deficiency in the global distribution of stratiform precipitation simulated in the CSU GCM is the lack of stratiform precipitation over land in the tropics. This result strongly disagree with Fowler and Randall who show that convective and stratiform precipitations always coexist and that their ratio to the total precipitation is about 0.5. We believe that stratiform precipitation over land evaporates before reaching the ground because the lower troposphere remains too dry in response to the lack of convective detrainment occurring immediately above the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). This issue is further investigated at present. We made significant progress in the development of our parameterization of fractional cloudiness. As an example of our ongoing research effort, a figure shows the global distribution of the cloud ice mixing ratio and corresponding fractional area of ice clouds at 250 hPa. These results were obtained using our latitude-longitude grid version of the CSU GCM. There is a nice correspondence between areas of high (low) values of the cloud ice mixing ratio and the cloud fraction. A nice correspondence between the global distribution of the cloud water mixing ratio and fraction of water clouds in the lower troposphere can also be found. We are pursuing this effort, but in the geodesic version of the GCM. We hope to be able to make comparison of the simulated precipitation against TRMM precipitation data in the near future.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
