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タイトルAccelerating Demand Paging for Local and Remote Out-of-Core Visualization
著者(英)Ellsworth, David
著者所属(英)Advanced Management Technology, Inc.
内容記述This paper describes a new algorithm that improves the performance of application-controlled demand paging for the out-of-core visualization of data sets that are on either local disks or disks on remote servers. The performance improvements come from better overlapping the computation with the page reading process, and by performing multiple page reads in parallel. The new algorithm can be applied to many different visualization algorithms since application-controlled demand paging is not specific to any visualization algorithm. The paper includes measurements that show that the new multi-threaded paging algorithm decreases the time needed to compute visualizations by one third when using one processor and reading data from local disk. The time needed when using one processor and reading data from remote disk decreased by up to 60%. Visualization runs using data from remote disk ran about as fast as ones using data from local disk because the remote runs were able to make use of the remote server's high performance disk array.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
