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タイトルCommunications System Architecture Development for Air Traffic Management and Aviation Weather Information Dissemination
著者(英)Homans, Al; Olson, Matt; Kolb, Bill; Tegge, Cindy; Blythe, Doug; Heletz, Jacob; Zemrowski, Ken; Decker, Steve; Gallagher, Seana; Hamilton, Griff
著者所属(英)Science Applications International Corp.
内容記述This document is the NASA AATT Task Order 24 Final Report. NASA Research Task Order 24 calls for the development of eleven distinct task reports. Each task was a necessary exercise in the development of comprehensive communications systems architecture (CSA) for air traffic management and aviation weather information dissemination for 2015, the definition of the interim architecture for 2007, and the transition plan to achieve the desired End State. The eleven tasks are summarized along with the associated Task Order reference. The output of each task was an individual task report. The task reports that make up the main body of this document include Task 5, Task 6, Task 7, Task 8, Task 10, and Task 11. The other tasks provide the supporting detail used in the development of the architecture. These reports are included in the appendices. The detailed user needs, functional communications requirements and engineering requirements associated with Tasks 1, 2, and 3 have been put into a relational database and are provided electronically.
NASA分類Aircraft Communications and Navigation
NAS 1.26:210343
権利No Copyright
